The NTPA Mission is to promote connections, provide communication, and present opportunities for parents, which support and enhance the New Trier experience.
On behalf of the New Trier Parents’ Association, welcome to the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year!
The NTPA aims to promote connections, provide communications, and present opportunities for parents that support and enhance the New Trier experience. To that end, we recommend the following resources:
District calendars: Here, you’ll find various school calendars and schedules. Two highlights: the printable 2024-2025 school year calendar and the daily bell schedules, showing the bell schedule at each campus for Blue, Green, and Anchor (yellow) days.
NT Block Schedule app: This app is automatically downloaded to all student iPads and can also be accessed through the App Store for Apple devices or the Google Play Store for Android devices; search for "New Trier Block" in either app store. Individual schedules can be entered into the app, which includes days off and Blue/Green/Anchor days. The app also shows what period it is during school days.
2024-2025 Attendance Handbook: This guide explains New Trier’s attendance policy; please review it with your student, if you haven’t already done so, as some policies have changed. In the handbook, you’ll also find instructions for how to report an absence.
NTPA webpage: The NTPA webpage includes a link to each NTPA class page—these are great sources of information for class parents.
New Trier Parents group on Facebook: This closed group offers dialogue and sharing among New Trier parents. To join the group, you will need to answer some verification questions.
Membership Toolkit (NTPA Online Family Directory): The NTPA offers an online directory each year. All parents were sent a verification email late on September 17th. Please use that auto login or visit nthspa.membershiptoolkit.com For more complete instructions about how to login and access the directory, please visit this NTPA webpage
Thank you for being part of the New Trier parent community. Information about parent gatherings and programs will be sent via email throughout the year. We can be reached at ntpapresidents@gmail.com.
Holly Miller and Joy Schwartz
2024-2025 NTPA Co-Presidents
All parents were sent a verification email late on September 17th. Please use that auto login or visit nthspa.membershiptoolkit.com
What do your NTPA dues and donations support?
Your contributions make it possible for the NTPA to support New Trier families in a variety of ways.
Contact Information
NTPA Executive Board
Julia Werner - Treasurer
Erin Donaldson - Secretary
Lauren LeBoyer - Communications Co-Chair
Amy Kay - Communications Co-Chair
Robin Cook - Programs Co-Chair
Tracey Lowry - Programs Co-Chair
Ashley Prasad - Membership Chair
Linnea Conniff – Staff Appreciation Chair
Melinda Skiles - Co-Chair, Class of 2025
Emily Perlberg - Co-Chair, Class of 2025
Abigayil Joseph – Co-Chair, Class of 2026
Andrea Taylor – Co-Chair, Class of 2026
Carrie Diamond - Co-Chair, Class of 2027
Michele Giczewski - Co-Chair, Class of 2027
Katie Flanigan - Co-Chair, Class of 2028
Liz Hayes - Co-Chair, Class of 2028
NTPA Transfer Family Contacts
Marie Kipp - Class of 2025
Kathy Ambrosino - Class of 2025
Trish Saltzman - Class of 2026
M’Liz Simonds - Class of 2026
Angie Veber – Class of 2027
Renae Raba – Class of 2027
Abby Starr Lewensohn -Class of 2028
Shiva Seth -Class of 2028