Student Resources
New Trier High School believes that work valuing equity and diversity must be embedded in all parts of the student experience, including in its curriculum, extracurricular programs, and student support services. As part of the first-year goals of the New Trier 2030 Strategic Plan, each department and area was asked to develop and implement specific student-oriented equity goals to address the gaps our students have identified. In addition to these goals, New Trier offers resources such as Affinity Groups, cultural clubs, and school-wide programs such as national monthly observances. Some of these resources are listed below.
Affinity Groups
Affinity groups “allow students who share an identity—usually a marginalized identity—to gather, talk in a safe space about issues related to that identity, and transfer that discussion into action that makes for a more equitable experience at school.”
- Monica K. Bell in “Making Space” from Teaching Tolerance
These groups meet weekly or bi-weekly and rotate periods. Students joining these groups are responsible for making up work from the class they missed. All students attending an affinity group will be administratively excused for that period. Dates and times for meetings will be determined each school year. For more information about these groups, please reach out to your adviser.
Black and Brown Club (Northfield)
Black and Brown Club is an affinity group for students who identify as African-American, Black, Hispanic, or LatinX. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Black Student Alliance (BSA)
Black Student Alliance is an affinity group for students who identify as African-American or Black. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Jewish Affinity Group
The Jewish affinity group is for students who identify as Jewish. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
LatinX is an affinity group for students who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Middle Eastern North African (MENA)
This affinity group is for students who identify as Middle Eastern and/or North African. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather, connect, and provide each other support with others that share a similar social identify. Research indicates that students that have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Mixed Race
Mixed Race is an affinity group for students who identify as having 2 or more races. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Muslim Student Association
Muslim Student Association is an affinity group for students who identify as Muslim. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Skittles is an affinity group for students who identify themselves on the LGBTQ continuum. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to receive support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students that have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Transgender/Gender Expansive/Non-Binary
The Transgender/Gender Expansive/Non-Binary student affinity group is for students who identify as part of this community or are questioning their gender identity/expression. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Young Asians with Power (YAWP)
Young Asians with Power is an affinity group for students who identify as Asian and/or Pacific Islander. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to gather and provide each other support, in a safe environment, with others that share a similar experience. Research indicates that students who have an opportunity to engage in a supportive environment at school show an increased ability to function and connect to the academic experience.
Student Multicultural Clubs
New Trier High School offers more than 150 clubs, intramural sports, and performing arts opportunities through its extracurricular program. Among the clubs include many devoted to learning about and celebrating different cultures. Those clubs can be found here.TrevTips
New Trier High School is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment and addressing incidents that impact our campus climate. TrevTips is designed for individuals to remain anonymous while reporting safety concerns including but not limited to:- Personal safety or safety of another student
- Hazing, harassment, or bullying
- Bias incidents
Students who wish to use this resource can find the reporting form here.