NTPA Parent Program Video

  • Belonging Through a Culture of DigNiTy

New Trier: Commitment to Equity

  • New Trier High School is committed to being a place where every person feels that they belong, are safe, are respected, and are valued. 

    When the Board of Education adopted our strategic plan New Trier 2030 in January 2019, our values and goals around belonging were clearly stated throughout the plan, but most specifically in the Culture, Climate, and Equity framework area. Our core values and beliefs in that framework as stated in New Trier 2030 are: 

    • We believe an equitable, safe, inclusive, and welcoming climate is not only necessary for students to learn and supports student growth, but is ethically in alignment with our mission. 
    • We believe that an equitable, safe, inclusive, and welcoming climate: 
      • creates the conditions that allow individuals to reach their full potential. 
      • is built upon respect and the appreciation of differences. 
      • holds individuals accountable for their actions and creates access to justice. 
    • We believe that all students, no matter their race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, innate abilities, or academic levels, have the right to equitable opportunities to pursue their interests and have the right to a rigorous and rich curricula and inspiring instruction that promotes intellectual growth, exploration, and risk-taking.
    • We believe what makes our school better for the most vulnerable students makes the school better for all students. 

    Our goals in the area of Culture, Climate, and Equity as stated in New Trier 2030 are: 

    • To create a culture of equity that appreciates and celebrates differences across the school by exploring individual identities and the identities of others. 
    • To create a culture in which students define their identities more holistically beyond academic achievement and level placement. 
    • To create a culture that reduces stress and teaches students the strategies to effectively manage the stress they experience. 
    • To create learning environments and curricula that encourage empathy, create interpersonal connections, embrace diverse identities, and explore multiple perspectives.
    • To create an environment in which each individual's needs are met and in which every person feels they belong. 
    • To identify and promote those parts of our culture that enhance learning and a sense of belonging, such as our dedication to service, compassion, critical thinking, and empathy. 

    To live up to our values, New Trier must involve students, staff, and parents in creating a culture of belonging. On this website, you will find some of the goals we have set and the progress we have made toward those goals since adopting New Trier 2030.

    We know we have work to do to assure that every individual who is part of the New Trier community truly feels safe, respected, and valued every day. We ask every member of our community to help us build this culture of belonging. 


    Paul Sally


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