Welcome to New Trier Boys Tennis home of 22 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS! From our Lexicon, "NEW TRIER TENNIS starts with TEAM, USTA tennis starts with you!" High school tennis should be the priority for you during our season 2/26 to end of May. Tryouts consist of playing singles "superbreakers" to 10 against other students, doubles competition & skills assessment, and attitude/effort/sportsmanship. We try and make our tryout process as metric as possible and tabulate all data. The players tryout results determine what team they merit a spot on. The best players regardless of age will be on the Varsity. Cuts will depend on number of boys trying out - we will keep as many players on teams as courts & number of coaches allow. Tryouts should be at least 3 times for each student unless their level doesn't necessitate any cuts. Tryouts are a clean slate for all players, regardless of performance/position the previous year.
Please make sure you have been cleared to participate by registering well ahead of tryouts thru the NT website athletics registration link
If you missed the Pre-Season Meeting, please reach out to TAd Eckert
Indoor court times during the week will be before school & late evening, and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Due to limited indoor courts we anticipate tryouts going from Monday March 3 thru March 14 or longer. Please let us know any conflicts in advance.
Updated 2025 tryout information:
You will need to be registered/approved to tryout via the school
You cannot try out until/unless you are cleared.
Tryout schedule is always subject to change due to weather - as we always try and play outside when possible & are unsure of our final tryout participation numbers until the first day. We appreciate your flexibility and will try to give as advance notice as possible. If you cannot make a certain scheduled tryout period please let your coach know ASAP. Each player will get at least 3 sessions and have a comprehensive and fair tryout.We plan to have an initial freshman tryout period on Monday/Tuesday primarily to identify potential players that would move up to tryout with higher teams. Then we will most likely pause tryouts for the majority of Freshman until Friday March 7th so we can capture additional kids interested in tennis who have been cut by other sports. New kids will not initially be eligible to make any team except the Freshman level.RETURNING VARSITYMonday March 3 meet 10-1030am in NT Winnetka room E360 for a varsity only meeting. We plan to have our first tryout session indoors from 830-10pm at AC Nielsen Monday night.ALL FRESHMANMonday March 3 meet in NT Northfield room C221 immediately after school for a status update. If it is nice weather we will go outside to play until 530pm. There will be no other potential tryout tennis on Monday.Tuesday March 4 tryout will be from 6-9am at Glenview Park District Indoor courts at 1800 Wagner Rd. Glenview. You are responsible for getting there on your own (carpool!) and because there is a late start 11am Northfield we anticipate most kids wanting to go home between tennis and school so NT will not be providing transportation from Glenview after the session either unless necessary (again carpool! reach out to coaches ASAP if transpo after is needed).ALL OTHER SOPHOMORESMonday March 3 meet immediately after school outside at the Winnetka courts dress warm. If weather is nice we will play until 530pm, if weather isn't great we might end earlier. There will be no other potential tryout tennis on Monday.Tuesday March 4 tryout will be from 6-8am at North Shore Racquet Club 2860 Old Willow Rd. Northbrook. You are responsible for getting there on your own (carpool!) and because there is a late start 1030/1120am Winnetka we anticipate most kids wanting to go home between tennis and school so NT will not be providing transportation from NSRC after the session either unless necessary (again carpool! reach out to coaches ASAP if transpo after is needed).ALL OTHER JUNIORS & SENIORSMonday March 3 Seniors will tryout from 6-8am at North Shore Racquet Club 2860 Old Willow Rd. Northbrook. You are responsible for getting there on your own (carpool!) and because there is a late start 1030/1120am Winnetka we anticipate most kids wanting to go home between tennis and school so NT will not be providing transportation from NSRC after the session either unless necessary (again carpool! reach out to coaches ASAP if transpo after is needed).Monday March 3 Juniors will tryout from 6-9am at Glenview Park District Indoor courts at 1800 Wagner Rd. Glenview. You are responsible for getting there on your own (carpool!) and because there is a late start 1030/1120am Winnetka we anticipate most kids wanting to go home between tennis and school so NT will not be providing transportation from Glenview after the session either unless necessary (again carpool! reach out to coaches ASAP if transpo after is needed).There will be no other potential tryout tennis on Monday for Juniors or Seniors.Tuesday March 4 we will have an after school meeting at the AC Nielsen Tennis Shack from 415pm-5pm - if weather is nice you can stay to hit outside until dark 540pm.
Full Name | Dept | Job Title | |
Tad Eckert | eckertt@newtrier.k12.il.us | Boys Tennis | Varsity Head Coach |
Jerry Morse-Karzen | morsekaj@newtrier.k12.il.us | Boys Tennis | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Jig Vora | voraJ@nths.net | Boys Tennis | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Kerry Hall | hallk@newtrier.k12.il.us | Boys Tennis | JV Head Coach |
David Hjelmgren | hjelmgrd@nths.net | Boys Tennis | Freshmen Head Coach |
John Gridley | gridleyj@nths.net | Boys Tennis | Sophomore Head Coach |