Varsity Lifting Monday 7:15am-8:00am Winnetka
Varsity Lifting Tuesday 4pm-5pm Winnetka
Varsity Lifting Thursday 7:15am-8am Winnetka
Varsity and JV Football: June 11th-July 17th M-Th 8am-10am @ Northfield
Varsity and JV Strength and Install: June 9th-July 17th M-Th 10:15am-12pm @ Winnetka
Freshman Football: June 16th-July 17th M-Th 10:15am-12pm @ Northfield
June 11th Summer School Football Start Date, Varsity and JV
June 16th Summer School Football Start Date Freshman
Full Name | Dept | Job Title | |
Brian Doll | dollb@nths.net | Football | Varsity Head Coach |
Jason Dane | danej@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Dusty Napoleon | napolemi@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Stephen Spellman | spellmas@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Christian Miller | millerc@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Mike Harrison | Harrisom@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Bill Morrison | morrisow@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Matt McCaffrey | mccaffrm@nths.net | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach |
Demetrios Vrettros | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach | |
Jamie Wineman | Football | Varsity Assistant Coach | |
Bob Bollweg | bollwegr@nths.net | Football | JV Head Coach |
Edwin Elfmann | elfmanne@nths.net | Football | JV Assistant Coach |
Matt Klem | klemm@nths.net | Football | JV Assistant Coach |
Micah Bank | bankm@nths.net | Football | JV Assistant Coach |
Steve Salinas | salinass@nths.net | Football | JV Assistant Coach |
Pete Collins | collinsp@nths.net | Football | Frosh/Soph Head Coach |
Paul Newman | newmanp@nths.net | Football | Frosh/Soph Assistant Coach |
Joe Mortier | mortierj@nths.net | Football | Frosh Head Coach |
Josh Runkle | runklej@nths.net | Football | Freshman Assistant Coach |
Torion Watson | watsont@nths.net | Football | Freshman Assistant Coach |