Performing Arts Department Equity Goals

Long-term Equity Goal – Sep 2019 – present
Below is the comprehensive long-term Equity Goal statement chosen by the Performing Arts Division in 2019. Under each school year link are examples of specific actions and focus that year toward fulfilling our goal.
To expose students in our after-school performing and technical theatre arts activities to professional artists of varying racial, ethnic, gender and sexual identities by providing opportunities for them to engage in supplemental experiences such as working with guest artists or attending performances that are performed by and tell the stories of under-represented populations.
Sept 2024 - June 2025
The Performing Arts Division will maintain its long-term goals for the 2024-25 school year and look for new and innovative ways to reach these goals.
Status: Ongoing
Sept 2023 - June 2024
Working with diverse artists:
Vic Bayona worked with Performing Arts students as fight choreographer for the Choir-Opera Musical and Spring Play. In addition, we received a grant from the NTFAA for a 2-day Stage Combat and Fight Choreography workshop that was held in April.
Ariel Beller was hired as a Stage Manager Mentor to work with our student stage managers.
Gender blind casting was used in Performing Arts productions: Fall Play, Winter Play, Frosh/Soph Play, Spring Play, Directing Projects, Choir Opera Musical.
Discussions of EQUITY within the Be Brave, Be Kind, Be Proud initiative.
Sensory friendly performance of the Spring Play.
Status: Complete and Ongoing
Sept 2022 - June 2023
Working with diverse artists: Vic Bayona worked with our Performing Arts students as fight choreographer for the Winter Play and Spring Play.
Gender blind casting was used in Performing Arts productions: Fall Play, Winter Play, Frosh/Soph Play, Spring Play, Directing Projects, Choir Opera Musical.
Sensory-friendly Dress Rehearsal of Choir Opera “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” – open to community.
Discussions of EQUITY within the Be Brave, Be Kind, Be Proud initiative.
Status: Complete and Ongoing
Sept 2021 - June 2022
Working with diverse artists: Vic Bayona worked with our Performing Arts students as fight choreographer for both the Winter Play and for the Spring Play. He also taught a stage combat workshop to our three Theatre 1 and Theatre 4 classes.
Gender blind casting was used in Performing Arts productions: Fall Play, Winter Play, Frosh/Soph Play, Spring Play, Directing Projects, Choir Opera Musical.
Status: Complete and Ongoing
Sept 2020 - June 2021
Lagniappe-Potpourri student writers worked to include two sketches addressing social justice issues in this year’s show.
Working with diverse artists: Vic Bayona worked with our Performing Arts students as fight choreographer for both the Frosh/Soph Play and for the Spring Play. He also taught a stage combat workshop to our three Theatre 1 classes.
Status: Complete and Ongoing
Sept 2019 - June 2020
Working with diverse artists:
Vic Bayona worked with our Performing Arts students as fight choreographer for both the Frosh/Soph Play and for the Spring Play. [He also taught a stage combat workshop (1x/week for 6 weeks) to our three Theatre 1 classes].
Wilfredo Ramos is a NT alum (theatre) who studied creative writing and playwriting at Yale. A Chicago playwright and teaching artist who works frequently with Steppenwolf, Writer’s Theatre, and other Chicago theatres, Freddie helped to shape the pre- and post-show discussions and workshop explorations of the Steppenwolf Theatre production of “The Brothers Size” and the Writer’s Theatre production of “The Niceties” which our students had the opportunity to attend.
Bek Lambrecht is a NT alum (theatre/stage crew) and a carpenter and technical director. Bek designed and constructed our theatre classroom scene furniture and worked in our shop this summer alongside our Lagniappe crew.
Status: Complete and Ongoing