Extended School Year Services (ESY)

  • What is ESY?

    ESY is a special education service that allows students to maintain skills they have learned throughout the school year. The decision to provide ESY to students is made at the IEP meeting and is based on the following considerations:

    1. The student's skills that were gained during the school year will significantly regress if they are not practiced for longer than the regular school year schedule.
    2. The skill loss experienced would require significantly more time to recoup then that of their same-aged peers.

    When do NT students receive ESY services?

    ESY services will be provided to qualifying students following the regular 2024-2025 school year beginning June 10 and running through July 17, 2025. 

    How often does a student attend?

    There are essentially two programs for ESY during the summer;
    Academic Reading, Writing, & Math Skills , and Life Skills (ELS Program) .
    The appropriate program and minutes are determined at the student's IEP meeting.)

    Reading, Writing, and Math Skills

    Depending on the supports your student qualifies for, students will receive 60 minutes of reading/writing support and/or 60 minutes of math support Monday through Thursday during the summer of 2025 (this is dependent upon summer holidays). Please note that ESY services begin Tuesday, June 10th  . While the total amount of time is determined by the number of minutes listed in the IEP, the number of days per week students attend is flexible and ESY students are not dropped from the program for absences. Individual schedules will be emailed prior to the start of ESY.

    Life Skills

    This program is generally for students whose regular school year services are provided within New Trier's ELS and Transition programs. Eligible students attend four days a week for 4 hours each day.

    Call or email your child's Special Education Teacher with additional questions about ESY services.