Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I register over the phone or online?

    Yes! We prefer you register online for classes. If you need assistance, we can help you/ register you over the phone (847) 446-6600. The registration system works best when opened in a Google Chrome browser.


    Once I register, how do I know where to go for my class?

    Upon registering, you will receive an e-mail registration confirmation listing the location for your class and any other pertinent information (supply list, book list, etc.) This is for

    your information only; the confirmation is not necessary for entrance to class. If you do not receive confirmation, please call the office at (847) 446-6600. Confirmations will be sent electronically and supplemental paper confirmations will only be sent if necessary.


    Do you have classes for children?

    Almost all classes are open to adults and students high school age or older. Trevian Wrestling, fencing, Our Music Institute Kids programs, and a few others are open to younger students. Please call the office to check before enrolling anyone younger than high school age if you are unsure.


    I don’t live in the New Trier school district. Can I take your classes?

    Yes. Out-of-district residents are welcome and pay the listed tuition.


    I have registered and can no longer attend my class. Can I get a refund?

    If you withdraw at least 3 full business days prior to the start of class (or the registration deadline, where applicable), you will receive a refund minus a $15 withdrawal fee. No

    refunds will be given after that time. In case of a course cancellation, a full refund will be issued automatically.


    Make up classes

    In the event that a class needs to be canceled for the day, NTX will notify students via email of the missed class. NTX is committed to making every effort to offer a make-up class for any canceled session. However, in cases where a class is canceled due to circumstances beyond our control: a natural disaster, act of God (such as extreme weather events), or an unexpected facility closure, we cannot guarantee that a make-up class will be feasible. To mitigate the impact of unforeseen events, NTX includes a make-up week in every session schedule. This make-up week is designed to provide flexibility and allow for the rescheduling of missed classes, thereby ensuring that the specified number of class sessions is delivered within the session period.

    Senior Discounts

    Senior discounts are available to anyone 65 years or older (except where otherwise noted) and are shown as the “seniors” price for each course. If no“seniors” price is shown, no discount is available.


    Faculty Assignments

    Faculty may change at the discretion of the Manager.



    Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in New Trier Extension programs and activities. All persons registering for NTX programs/classes, thereby agree that any photograph or video taken by the District may be used in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event fliers, social media

    (including Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District.


    Discrepancies/Changes in Catalog Data

    It is sometimes necessary to make changes in the location, times or date of courses. On occasion, inadvertent errors may occur in the catalog. NTX will make every effort to advise registered students of changes. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such matters.



    New Trier High School District 203 disclaims any responsibility or liability for any injuries, including death, damage to or loss of property or any other damages or losses sustained by participants in the New Trier Extension program which arise out of, are connected to or in any way associated with the activities of this program.


    I have registered and find that I cannot attend my class. Can I get a refund?
    If you withdraw at least 3 full business days prior to the start of class (or the registration deadline, where applicable), you will receive a refund minus a $15 withdrawal fee. No refunds will be given after that time.

    Is your catalog on the Web?
    Yes. You can also "Like" us on Facebook to get news of class changes and you can view the entire catalog, read about your instructor and more on our homepage,