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New Trier Extension is the community education program for New Trier Township District 203. NTX offers a variety of programs throughout the year, and publishes three brochures yearly and offers a fall, winter-spring, and summer session. Classes are open to both residents and non-residents alike and many classes offer a senior discount (65 and up). Take a look at our catalog and join us for a class. There truly is something for everyone!
You can reach us by phone at (847) 446-6600 or email us at
Courses are open to high school students and college-age students and adults except where noted. Younger students may register for our NEW General Youth classes as well as certain classes; please call the office before registering if you have questions. All instructors have the right to determine if the child is of a suitable age for the course materials. NTX reserves the right to exclude from continued participation any individual whose conduct is disruptive to its programs.
Senior Discounts
Senior discounts are available to anyone 65 years or older and are shown as the "seniors" price for each course. Seniors must pay all fees in full. To be eligible, you must check the Discounts must be taken at the time of registration, by mail, fax or in person; refunds will NOT be given after the fact. If no "seniors" price is shown, no discount is available for that course.
Course Withdrawal Policy
All student withdrawals must be requested at least 3 full business days prior to the start of the class, (unless otherwise noted). No refunds are given after that time or the registration deadline, where applicable. Students withdrawing at least 3 full business days prior to the first class session or the registration deadline will receive a refund minus a $15 withdrawal fee. In case of a course cancellation, a full refund will be issued automatically. Please allow 3-4 weeks for refunds.
Faculty Assignments and Class Locations
Faculty assignments and class locations may change at the discretion of the NTX Manager.
Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in New Trier Extension programs and activities. All persons registering for NTX programs/ classes, thereby agree that any photograph or video taken by the District may be used in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District's website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District.
Discrepancies/Changes in Catalog Data
It is sometimes necessary to make changes in the location, times or date of courses. On occasion, inadvertent errors may occur in the catalog. NTX will make every effort to advise registered students of changes. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such matters.
Disabled Persons
Parking and all classes are accessible. Please call the office if you have questions.
New Trier High School District 203 disclaims any responsibility or liability for any injuries, including death, damage to or loss of property or any other damages or losses sustained by participants in the New Trier Extension program which arise out of, are connected to or in any way associated with the activities of this program.
See registration confirmation for textbook information.