
  • The English Learners (EL) Program serves English Learners at New Trier High School. In any given school year, approximately 20-40 ELs are enrolled at New Trier from dozens of countries across the globe. Some are brand new to the United States, and others who have been attending school in the U.S. for a few years.

    The EL Program serves these students. We test their English as they arrive and help create their schedules. We run a program of EL courses in a variety of subjects and support students academically. We also support students’ social-emotional growth through formal and informal activities throughout the year. Because of our diverse student backgrounds, we run a Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) with primarily sheltered English classes in core subjects.

    We support families as they learn about the culture of the United States and of our school. We support students in maintaining connections and pride in their home language and culture and give them opportunities to share that culture here. Finally, we assist in communication between these families and the school to help them feel at home here.

    We also work with teachers and staff to help them find new and better ways to teach and connect with EL students. We provide professional development on best practices of working with EL students and using technology to make instruction more accessible.