• Hours and Locations

    Athletic Training Room Hours
    Hours are subject to change due to event scheduling. All home athletic events will be covered.

    Northfield (After school hours, athletic trainers may be in the outdoor athletic training room)
    Open during lunch periods, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    Open after school for practices and games Monday through Saturday if practices and games are present.

    Open during lunch periods Monday through Friday.
    Open after school for practices and games Monday through Saturday if practices and games are present.

    Student-athletes wishing to utilize this facility and its personnel during the
    hours of operation are welcome. The Athletic Training Room and its personnel
    are also available during those hours when athletic contests are in progress.

    Athletic Training Room Location

    The Athletic Training Room on the Winnetka campus is located in Room E046. The Northfield campus athletic training rooms are F102, in the basement of the F-building, and the Northfield outside athletic training room is located on the stadium's south end.

    To reach us by phone...

    All Athletic Training Rooms: (847)784-2299

    Dale Grooms: (847)784-2297

    Tim McNair: (847)784-6601

    Emily Espinosa: (847)784-7750