New Trier Newbies

FAQ for transfers:

  • : How do I come to Newbies club?
    : Look for invitations in advisory and in your student email. If you're a transfer student and haven't gotten an invitation, please email Mr. Berlin (

    :How do I join a sports team?
    : For fall sports, know that the season starts a few weeks before school does, on dates that you can find here . The dates for spring and winter sports will be posted during the school year. You will need to be registered in school and have a signed release form and physical exam (more info here ). You don't need to sign up for the tryout itself. And please do not be scared to try out! Varsity sports teams at New Trier are known for being very difficult to make, but many of the teams for younger students are not extremely competitive, and cross country and track are no-cut.

    How do I join a club?
    A :Just go to the club after school!  The Club Finder allows you to search by interest, meeting day, time and location!  You can even contact the club sponsor for more information!  Freshmen are always welcome to join clubs at the Winnetka campus as well!

    Q : Will I get lost?
    A : You might get a bit lost on the first few days, but anyone you ask will be willing to help you find your class. You will learn the layout of the school more quickly than you think.

    Q: What's KW?
    A : Kinetic Wellness (KW) is New Trier's term for physical education class.

    Q : What's an excursion card?
    : When your class is going on a field trip, your teacher will give you an excursion card. You should get it signed by the teachers for the classes you're missing and return the card to the teacher.

    What can I do during a free period at the Winnetka campus?
    : Technically, you're allowed to do anything that doesn't break school rules and doesn't disrupt classes. However, the best use of your time is to study or do homework (in the library or other spaces in the hallway throughout the school) or meet with teachers. You don't need a pass to go anywhere during a free period, and you aren't assigned to report to a specific room. If you have 9th period free you are allowed to leave early.

    Q : What can I do during a free period at the Northfield campus?
    A : You will be assigned a study hall room with a supervisor, and you are expected to be quiet and do homework or study. If you would like to go anywhere outside the room (library, meet with teacher, etc.) you will need a pass from a teacher.

    Q : How do I meet with a teacher?
    A : Teachers usually prefer that you email them asking to meet. However, most teachers will not turn you away if they are not already meeting with someone else if you show up at their office without emailing first.

    Q : My iPad isn't working!
    A : Go to the tech help desk. It's on the second floor in the new building next to the library.